
SM-ICG Hemodynamic Monitors

PhysioFlow® PF07 Enduro™

Enduro™ is a portable, battery powered, noninvasive cardiac output device that was designed primarily to be used while a subject or patient is exercising. Enduro™ is unique in that it is the only device that can reliably and repeatedly provide cardiac output during exercise. 

A fundamental characteristic of patients with chronic heart failure is an impaired ability to increase cardiac output appropriately with exercise. Many patients are able to improve cardiac output after interventions; cardiac resynchronization therapy and exercise training are directly correlated with this. Quantifying cardiac output can therefore provide important information about these and other interventions. Recent studies have also demonstrated that this information is valuable in predicting outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease.



PhysioFlow® PF07 Enduro™ features

  • Small Size: 115 x 85 x 18 mm
  • Light Weight: Less than 200g (with batteries)
  • 6 thoracic surface electrodes
  • Advanced adaptative filter for noise cancellation (HD-Z™)
  • High performance AA batteries or rechargeable AA batteries, 6 hours    autonomy
  • 24 hours MMC memory, USB or BlueTooth wireless download
  • Real time wireless monitoring using BlueTooth (type I). Range is 300    feet
  • Works with PhysioFlow® V2 MS Windows™-based software for display,    data analysis, and storage
RECOMMENDED Minimum computer configuration
  • Windows 7 or later 2 Ghz X86 processor
  • RAM : 4GB
  • Hard Drive 500 MB Free
  • 15 inch screen (1280x1024)
  • Preferably no Bluetooth module